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O'Melveny & Myers
Details for O'Melveny & Myers "Why we lied and still want fees"
NameO'Melveny & Myers "Why we lied and still want fees"

Lies, deception, failing to disclose. One persons crime is another law firm's business model. O'Melveny & Myers deserve credit, they didn't run directly looking for criminal counsel. They actually had the balls to stand before the Court and ask for more money.

Well, they may be in need of criminal counsel soon.... But back to the topic at hand.

Check out there fee app here, and keep watching as we hope to have a page of commentary on this fee app, what was disclosed in conjunction with it, and the clear crimes permeating the SONICblue bankruptcy case.

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Created On: 03/15/2010 18:33
Maintained byEditor
Hits5092 Hits
Last updated on 04/07/2022 13:31
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