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CABAURHBD Complaint Original Cover Sheet
Details for CABAURHBD Complaint Original Cover Sheet
NameCABAURHBD Complaint Original Cover Sheet

The signed cover sheet for the original complaint against the California law firm Hennigan, Bennett & Dorman (f/k/a Hennigan & Bennett and referred therein as either "H&B" or "HBD") regarding their conduct before the Federal Bankruptcy Court in representing as debtor's counsel the public company Aureal, Inc. It was eventually determined that HBD simultaneously represented the debtor, its secured creditor, its largest stockholder, the claims trader who purchased the majority of claims in amount and number, and one or more of the other "professionals" hired by the debtor's estate.

Filesize97.93 kB
Filetypepdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On: 01/23/2010 12:04
Maintained byEditor
Hits5793 Hits
Last updated on 04/07/2022 12:55
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