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The BitchSlapper's Police Report
Details for The BitchSlapper's Police Report
NameThe BitchSlapper's Police Report

Judge Peck, The BitchSlapper, gets his own police report. 

Very Interesting!! The website of BankruptcyMisconduct.com was attacked by someone who doesn't want you to see the police complaint regarding Judge James M. Peck so here is another link for you to get this document just in case we are unable to thwart these attacks.

But have no fear.  Any well connencted neo-mafioso can get out of clear crimes like this.  Don't be stupid.  This ain't not lowly State Senator like Hiram Monserrate, who prosecutors fully pressed charges and got a misdemeanor conviction for pulling his girlfriend by the arm.

This is a Federal Bankruptcy Judge, who sits in power over the apportionment of billions of dollars in disbursements and legal fees.

Who is more powerful.  Quiene es mas macho?

Guess who escapes any punishment?


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Created On: 11/02/2009 16:32
Maintained byEditor
Hits6426 Hits
Last updated on 09/30/2010 17:23
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