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Barry Gold's Hiring Letter a/k/a
Details for Barry Gold's Hiring Letter a/k/a "Smoking Guns"
NameBarry Gold's Hiring Letter a/k/a "Smoking Guns"

So much meat for a prosecutor to read in one place. Barry Gold, were you inspired by the eloquence of John Kerry (”I voted for it before I voted against it”) when you described how you first withheld information from the Court before you decided against withholding it? We can't make this stuff up (pages 2 - 3 emphasis added for humor affect):

In hindsight, Mr. Gold regrets not disclosing his involvement in ADA, not because he did anything wrong, but because there was, and is, no reason not to make such disclosure. Further, such disclosure would have avoided the need for Mr. Gold, and others, to respond to this Emergency Motion, which he believes has no basis.

Of course, Mr. Gold's thoughts are magically converted into lawyer speak, and surrounded by caveats which purport to describe the state of mind of Mr. Gold. What is most ludicrous is that the bankruptcy code does not allow any professional to decided what must be disclosed. The duty is to disclose, and then anyone else can decide whether to object.  There is plenty that Barry Gold and many lawyers that worked with him, literally, did wrong.  "Failing to disclose" understates the reality of a sworn statement "there are no other connections" which is actually a fraud on the court.

This file is available for free on Bankruptcy Misconduct by the name BG_Jan25th_EX_Hiring_Letter.pdf as well as other sites on the internet which refuse to allow the truth to be buried. The court documents contained in this file were filed under penalties of perjury and bankruptcy fraud and can also be found in the official records at the court houses in which they were filed, as well as from PACER.

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Created On: 10/24/2009 13:52
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Hits5696 Hits
Last updated on 10/24/2009 14:27
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