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Arthur J. Gonzalez -
Details for Arthur J. Gonzalez - "Where's the Section 3057 Referral"
NameArthur J. Gonzalez - "Where's the Section 3057 Referral"

Yawn... yeah, yeah, we know. Another lawyer is caught "failing to disclose a conflict". Actually, that phrase is lawyer talk for the simpler and more accurate phrase - a fraud upon the Court.

Do read this order, it's amazing for how clearly Judge Arthur J. Gonzalez is able to both discern bankruptcy misconduct and also articulate clearly most of the many transgressions established by his facts whilst citing an abundance of case law. It is almost as if some new unbridled intern wrote the paper thinking it was for a law school class. Sans any real world sense of finesse or convention.  One can only wonder why in this particular case, the Court sees the issues so clearly as between Black and white, when gray so often defines the muddied muck in which Mega Case bankruptcy law firms and their complicit brother lawyers on official Committees and at the U.S. Trustee pooh pooh conflict of interest. More on this later?

Be that as it may, how is Artie G. able to find such facts as support his order without making mandatory referrals regarding the lawyers involved, including the U.S. Trustee? Readers of Bankruptcy Misconduct may recognize Judge Gonzalez as the presiding judge in the WorldCom bankruptcy who heard a lawyer admit to advising his client that death threats where legal in a bankruptcy context.

"The fish stinks from the head down"
- Arthur "Artie" Bucco, Jr.


This document is available at the USBC SDNY at the courthouse or on PACER under Source Enterprises, Inc., et al. 06-11707(AJG) or on BankruptcyMisconduct under filename 041508gonzalez_USTrustee_conspires_in_fraud_on_the_Court.pdf



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Created On: 10/18/2009 00:07
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Last updated on 04/07/2022 18:18
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