Details for WebSci Technologies, Tare, & the failed pro se censure
Property | Value |
Name | WebSci Technologies, Tare, & the failed pro se censure |
Description | WebSci: This case might exemplify the audacious criminal element which operates with the authority of the Court in some of the small business bankruptcies. Allegations include a private Trustee who 1) filed false sworn affadivats which hid a business relationship with the secured lender, 2) the failure to disclose sale proceeds on a sworn operating report, 3) the failure to place sale proceeds in the Debtor's bank account or in a trust bank account, 4) conspiracy to deprive a pro se business owner of a voice by speciously ordering any appeals filing to first be approved by the lower court, 5) the suppression of appeals filings by holding same and failing to deliver to the appeals court, and 6) threatening a pro se business owner with incarceration for having the nerve to file evidence with an appeals court of fraud upon the lower court by opposing counsel. Watch this case. We will and we won't let its ultimate resolution, including all derivative criminal matters, disappear quietly. If John Grisham wrote this story as a novel, he would be derided by legal experts as having constructed a plot that was too far fetched. |
Filename | Tare vs. Bank of America et al new-docketed-complaint.pdf |
Filesize | 1.44 MB |
Filetype | pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf) |
Creator | admin |
Created On: |
03/29/2009 13:48 |
Viewers | Everybody |
Maintained by | Everybody |
Hits | 5108 Hits |
Last updated on |
03/29/2009 15:25 |
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