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Racist, Sexist, Pig - A Slap on Wrist for Official Bankrupty Trustee under DOJ Administration
Details for Racist, Sexist, Pig - A Slap on Wrist for Official Bankrupty Trustee under DOJ Administration
NameRacist, Sexist, Pig - A Slap on Wrist for Official Bankrupty Trustee under DOJ Administration
DescriptionA racist, sexist, harassing habitual offender granted the powers of an Official Trustee in bankruptcy courts is given a slap on the wrist by the United States Deparment of Justice and having his identity confidential even after found guilty. Perhaps this attorney receives this special protection because he is an official working within the powers of a Federal Bankruptcy Court.  What should enrage citizens across the country is that the DOJ protects this pig like no other citizen.  Please note: BankruptcyMisconduct.com did not redact (hide) the name of this pig and the court that this pig operated in and the judge he operated under.  It is the U.S. Trustee Program which is hiding the identity of this pig. The U.S. Trustee program protects their relations in private practise like any mother pig would protect her muck loving piglets.  Thus, his identity is protected.  The Result?  No journalist can report on the matter, the pig can't get his picture taken and placed in the newspaper, and the victims of this pig aren't likely to get justice in a courtroom.  What else should we expect from the Department of Justice?
FilenameU.S. Trustee Program - Administrative Decision 05-0004.pdf
Filesize89.58 kB
Filetypepdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On: 03/29/2009 13:47
Maintained byEverybody
Hits4142 Hits
Last updated on 03/29/2009 15:26
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