Details for AmmoCore / Cadence Design Systems
Property | Value |
Name | AmmoCore / Cadence Design Systems |
Description | Anthanassios Katsioulas and the Board of Directors of Ammocore Technology, Inc. object to the Trustee's Motion to Settle Adversary Proceeding with Cadence Design Systems et al. We hope to get exhibits to this motion. There are reports that the BigLaw firm MNAT, famous for their involvement with eToys bankruptcy case, was representing the outside public firm which allegedly exerted de facto control over AmmoCore causing its bankruptcy filing and acquiring certain of its assets. |
Filename | 2007_10_03_Objection_to_Settlement_Brief.pdf |
Filesize | 76.69 kB |
Filetype | pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf) |
Creator | admin |
Created On: |
03/29/2009 13:45 |
Viewers | Everybody |
Maintained by | Everybody |
Hits | 7094 Hits |
Last updated on |
04/07/2022 18:19 |
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