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Ethics Complaint vs Marc Kasowitz at @DC_Bar
Details for Ethics Complaint vs Marc Kasowitz at @DC_Bar
NameEthics Complaint vs Marc Kasowitz at @DC_Bar

Campaign for Accountability respectfully asks that you investigate whether attorney Marc E. Kasowitz violated District of Columbia Rules of Professional Conduct regarding the unauthorized practice of law and dealing with unrepresented parties.

Yikes: Kasowitz is now fighting wars on multiple fronts.

BankruptcyMisconduct believes that the #resist movement will succeed in shutting down #MarcKasowitz if their ethics complaints are supplemented to include far stronger ethical, and likely criminal, allegations related to #FeePadding being part of the firms ordinary course operations. Sworn allegations of such, substantially undenied, are believed to be undeniable and recorded in the Berry vs. Kasowitz matter (free docs also featured here).


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Created On: 06/18/2017 13:28
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Last updated on 06/18/2017 13:56
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