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Schuette Embraces Scienter & Obligation
Details for Schuette Embraces Scienter & Obligation
NameSchuette Embraces Scienter & Obligation

The actions of Bill Schuette in the Detroit Bankruptcy case seem like he doesn't understand that you can't have your cake and eat it too, that you can't go for easy political points with meaningless rhetoric when you have no genuine intention of fighting for the people of Detroit.  Especially when you have always been a Tea Party darling.

The conundrum for Bill is that he initially took a stance on the side of pensioners in the Detroit bankruptcy case.  But then he went further, he filed a notice of appearance, and you can download a copy here.  Thus, Bill Schuette officially identified himself as a party in interest at the start of the case, and as the chief law enforcement officer, and chief attorney member of Michigan's self-regulation bar, he's bitten quite a big bite indeed.  It seems that Schuette may have his proverbial nuts caught on the fence which straddles the plausible deniability of not knowing about the Jones Day lawyers on one side, and the plight of current and future pensioners on the other side.

Or maybe the 53rd Attorney General of Michigan is smarter than we first thought.

Maybe Mr. Schuette has plans to smack down the dirty lawyers at Jones Day, given their known track record, and the dirty circumstances under which the Open Meetings laws where circumvented.  Maybe Bill will do Georgetown proud by obeying his oath to uphold the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct by investigating the misconduct by certain lawyers who knowingly accepted pro hac vice self-regulation in Michigan.  And if the Attorney General is not empowered to make inquiry and complaint, then self regulation is a blatant fraud on the public.

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Created On: 08/19/2013 11:42
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Last updated on 08/19/2013 16:32
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