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Teflon Jon Corzine - MFGlobal Crook - NeoMafia Connections
Details for Teflon Jon Corzine - MFGlobal Crook - NeoMafia Connections
NameTeflon Jon Corzine - MFGlobal Crook - NeoMafia Connections

Yo, Yo, Yo!

White Crook Caught Red Handed

Jon Corzine is the Teflon Jon, caught stealin' money. One point 5 of the biggest.

What are the chances that an organized crime member gets punished? No, not low level Tony Soprano type, but one of the big players, government insiders. Well, first let's consider what some honest members of our federal government who were in charge of enforcing the relevant laws against such crimes had to say on the matter:

Corzine bears responsibility for MF Global's unlawful acts. He held and exercised direct or indirect control over MF Global and Holdings and either did not act in good faith or knowingly induced these violations. In violation of his legal obligations, he also failed to supervise diligently the activities of MF Global's officers, employees, and agents.

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Created On: 07/08/2013 13:40
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Last updated on 04/07/2022 13:19
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