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DOJ Fudge Fest re: Criminal Prosecutions of Big Banks
Details for DOJ Fudge Fest re: Criminal Prosecutions of Big Banks
NameDOJ Fudge Fest re: Criminal Prosecutions of Big Banks

The DOJ responds to Sherrod Brown, Chairman of the SubCommittee of Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection regarding the criminal prosecution (or lack thereof!) of large financial institutions.

This letter more than the usual "blah blah" nonsense with nothing concrete, half excuses, and a failure to admit the horrid record of protecting the big crooks involved in our current national financial crisis.

This letter is more, because has become the "entry vehicle" for a letter from a whistleblower, which is on point to the failures to prosecute. A case where DOJ lawyers blatantly admitted cover-up of crime by one of the most powerful hedge fund / politicians in our nations history.

Very OMG, baby!

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Created On: 03/25/2013 18:41
Maintained byEditor
Hits4647 Hits
Last updated on 04/07/2022 13:21
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