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Dewey LeBoeuf - Crime Exposed - Henry Bunsow sues
Details for Dewey LeBoeuf - Crime Exposed - Henry Bunsow sues
NameDewey LeBoeuf - Crime Exposed - Henry Bunsow sues
DescriptionThank you readers of BankruptcyMisconduct for your warm wishes, we apologize for our time away. Here is a treat for you, our way of saying thanks.

This document Dewey_LeBoeuf_Bunsow_Complaint.pdf is the actual lawsuit by the well known litigator Henry Bunsow against specifically named former managing partners of the bankrupt law firm Dewey LeBoeuf. The Defendants include Steven H. Davis, Jeffrey L. Kessler, Joel I. Sanders, Stephen DiCarmine, James R. Woods, and up to 200 unnamed persons.

From our reading, the clear allegations of fraud and such crime is enough to trigger all sorts of criminal and ethical referrals. Wethinks there will be many third parties for BankruptcyMisconduct to track as to their own obligations under the ABA model code rule Maintaining The Integrity Of The Profession Rule 8.3 Reporting Professional Misconduct. How will all of the lawyers witnessing this airing of embarrassing laundry explain their own failures to report the misconduct?

Oh, did we just telegraph something?
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Filetypepdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On: 08/13/2012 23:36
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Hits4864 Hits
Last updated on 08/13/2012 23:37
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