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Affidavit re: Opposition to ACPOC Motion by HG&K to benefit MNAT
Details for Affidavit re: Opposition to ACPOC Motion by HG&K to benefit MNAT
NameAffidavit re: Opposition to ACPOC Motion by HG&K to benefit MNAT

The law firm, Heiman Gouge & Kaufman, LLP ("Heiman") which was representing the whistle-blower in the eToys bankruptcy case needed the court's approval to stop representing the whistleblower and thus filed a motion to be relieved. This behavior is known as an ACPOC Syndrome Motion whereby a lawfirm seeks to abandon its client in order to avoid taking action which could bring punishment on an opposing attorney. The whistleblower filed this affidavit showing relevant facts unreported by Heiman in their motion, as well as an extraordinary letter from a different honorable lawer who would not let Heiman dance around its responsibility.

FilenameeToys ACPOC counsel to liquidator.pdf
Filesize209.34 kB
Filetypepdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On: 03/22/2009 21:06
Maintained byEverybody
Hits3430 Hits
Last updated on 04/20/2022 19:05
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