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Baker & McKenzie pen the
Details for Baker & McKenzie pen the "Bribe Memo"
NameBaker & McKenzie pen the "Bribe Memo"

Genesis Chapter 1

YACC - it ain't just another MIT construction.  

BankruptcyMisconduct is excited to now host the first in our coming series of free downloads regarding the Stone & Webster criminal enterprise.  As usual, we are pointing our fingers at both pre and post petition crime.

But this is not just Yet Another Corruption Caper.  This one is special, this one will feature a judge who crawls under a rock after a lawyer impugns his integrity.  (In writting!)  This Caper includes Corporate America's complicity in establishing, supporting, and profiting upon Corruption within other nations.  Yes, profit by harming foreign citizens as they in turn suffer the corruption of their own ruling elite enriching themselves.  

Readers will have the opportunity to wiff many a wave which flows past the illicitly pulsating junction between rampant post petition bankruptcy fraud and U.S. Trustee neo-enforcement.  Surely, Smelly  Kelly B. Stapleton shall be revealed with her prominent and unpleasant contribution.

Perhaps most importantly, the transparently overt hypocrisy by which Joe Biden's (and his son's) corrupt Delaware "Justice For Sale" legal industry will be exposed over and over.

Ladies and Gentlemen, get a comfy chair and brush up on your ABA Model Rules.  We hope to have our reader forum open soon so that your analysis and opinion can join with ours as these Stone & Webster documents are revealed.  The following line authored by Robert B. Cartwright reeks of such self serving understatement that even Bill Clinton would blush at its dishonorable exposure:

That is not to say, however, that three is any definitive rule on what constitutes timely withdrawal from what otherwise may constitute the Company's participation in a conspiracy.


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Created On: 12/28/2011 13:32
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Hits4820 Hits
Last updated on 12/28/2011 15:01
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