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Treachery by Duane Morris partner
Details for Treachery by Duane Morris partner
NameTreachery by Duane Morris partner

Duane Morris is among the biggest of the BigLaw profit centers willing to wade admidst the filthy muck known as bankruptcy law, even infamous Delaware skank.

So perhaps it should come as no surprise to find a partner of Duane Morris caught first with his pants down in his repeated disloyal attempts to aid his associates in their legal matters against the Post Office, and then lying about it during the investigation. As if the Post Office doesn't have enough trouble these days, they were saddled with a dirty lawyer who was an official member of the United States Postal Service Board of Governors at the same time he schemed with his associates to harm the entity for which he held a fiduciary duty.

But don't take the word of BankruptcyMisconduct on this opinion, read the official OIG document on Alan C. Kessler for yourself at "no charge". Hurry before Duane Morris promotes him to CEO or something.

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Created On: 08/18/2011 00:26
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Last updated on 04/07/2022 13:21
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