ONDOVA / Jeffrey Baron ONDOVA looks to be just one of those cases which make the U.S. look like a banana republic. Old boy network. Corruption. It's like Mississippi with a crooked small town judge, the kind of thing that was made fun of by The Dukes Of Hazzard. Unfortunately, it is real. The judge in this case is going to get a lot of scrutiny by BankruptcyMisconduct, and his name is ironically, or perhaps appropriately: Royal Furgeson. He sure do have a serious case of King Syndrome. DocumentsDate addedDing Dong, The Bitch is DeadThe awesome appeal was heard, and the lunacy born of Judge Royal Furgeson is ended. It's over! Right? I mean, it's over. No way the dirtbags would keep trying to steal money from Jeffrey Baron, it's over. Sure, they could appeal it higher, but no way they'd still try to rape the Constitution and torture Mr. Baron. Not possible, not even in a banana Republic. The award for an appeal won by it's opening statement goes to: JEFFREY BARON, Appellant v. ELIZABETH SHURIG, et. al. Appellees We can't make this stuff up. From an actual transcript, line numbers to the left 15 Look, you're being Peter Vogel of the law firm GARDERE WYNNE SEWELL® (Wow... a copyrighted law firm!!) appears to believe that he owns Jeff Baron because of an order. BankruptcyMisconduct would love to see this order, and maybe if Mr. Vogel returns a phone call or an eMail, we could get a copy of it.
This can't be real!
But if it's a fake, somebody went through an awful lot of trouble. It looks like a real transcript. Could Judge Royal Furgeson really have had such a meltdown? Seriously, BankruptcyMisconduct is no stranger to incredible acts by dirty judges. But could a federal judge really have said this stuff, on the record? BankruptcyMisconduct doesn't begrude Stephen R. Cochell of But let's applaud Stephen for making things so clear in writing. He had to be very brave to put the truth in writing. With the higher visibility that this site has obtained with the House, Senate, FBI, and DOJ - maybe ONDOVA will be the case which ushers in the Federal Special Prosecutor to start the much needed catharsis. Download for free ONDOVA_motion_to_withdraw_of_counsel_in_TEXAS_Baron_case.pdf |
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