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Dewey LeBoeuf : What should be our next line of inquiry?

Dewey LeBoeuf : What should be our next line of inquiry?
How many months will Dewey LeBoeuf continue to survive?
35  70%
How many senior partners and rainmakers at Dewey LeBoeuf will have left during 2012?
4  8%
Will "guaranteed draws" to new partners at Dewey LeBoeuf be fully honored?
2  4%
Will Dewey LeBoeuf, or its senior executives, be indicted regarding General American Mutual?
2  4%
What is the most significant factor in the continuing layoffs at Dewey LeBoeuf?
2  4%
How many lawyers that have been employed by Dewey LeBoeuf will be indicted in 2012?
2  4%
Postliminiar assessment of the "DL Pursuits" program
2  4%
Will Dewey LeBoeuf lose the \$3 Billion lawsuit regarding General American Mutual acts?
1  2%

Number of Voters  :  50
First Vote  :  Sunday, 04 March 2012 23:12
Last Vote  :  Wednesday, 06 June 2012 01:16